Monday, September 23, 2019

Fasting day one

On the first day of sang it, right? I sang it while I wrote it.

I'm almost chagrined to say it, but this has been the most wonderful, dare I say it, easiest first day of a fast I have ever experienced. That's all God, right there. He asks me to do something, I ask Him to give me all I need to do it, that the burden be easy and the yoke light. He is Good.

For all that I require of you will be pleasant[a] and easy to bear.” Matthew 11:30 TPT

I've read some interesting Bible verses about fasting, including

Matthew 17:21:"But this kind of demon is cast out only through prayer and fasting.” 

Sometimes the only way to break spiritual oppression is through both prayer and fasting. 

Today I set my intention for the purpose of this fast as I understand it. I spoke to God about who and what was on my heart, where I feel oppressed or where those I care about are suffering. I gave Him this day as I do everyday, trusting Him to bring about His plans, because they are what is best for me.

 He knows the plans he has for me to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future and hope. Jeremiah 29:11

And I went about my day: gym with my kids, on to helping my daughter with her coursework, seeing clients, back home for reviewing school work with my son and daughter, winding down with my oldest son and sharing our day and laughing about, well, stuff we think is pretty funny. Now, I'm listening to my younger son play a game (it's his "weekend" off from work so he gets to stay up late one night) while I talk to you, and reflect on a normal but very good day. 

Everybody went to bed friends with everybody else, and there is much to be said about the joy of a peaceful home.  

I found it interesting (and frankly wonderful!!) that I wasn't hungry at all today. Not one craving, no rumblings, just at peace inside and out. I think I told Him thank you about 20 times today because that to me is so cool, so Him. 

Goodnight, good fast

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