God's Word speaks to the heart of parents when He says "Teach the young according to their way, even when they are old they will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Ted Hildebrandt, (Grace Theological Journal 9.1 (1988) 3-19) says this about the verse:
"Careful consideration of lexical and contextual factors suggests that "train up a child in the way he should go" needs to be reexamined. The verb "to train" really refers to a bestowal of status and responsibility. The noun translated "child" denotes the status of a late adolescent rather than a child. "In the way he should go" is best understood as "according to what is expected." The original intent then of this verse addresses a late adolescents' entrance into his place in adult society. This should be done with celebration and encouragement-giving him respect, status and responsibilities commensurate with his position as a young adult." Copyright © 1988 by Grace Theological Seminary
I love these cross references as well!
Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 4:9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Deuteronomy 11:19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
As a homeschooling mom, I feel a great responsibility to teach my children what I feel they will need to know as adults, as well as to celebrate who they are as individuals, created with intention and purpose by God. It's so easy to slip into business-mode and forget how much fun it is to learn by playing with my kids! They learn so much more when I teach according to their natural tendencies and gifts.
My friend JeMa, a wonderful artist, found this cool poetry technique and put her typical artist's bent to it! The kids had fun, too! :) It's called "Black-out Art" and it's created using the text of newspapers. Poetry or art is created by blacking out all but just a few words. You can see why I thought it so fascinating and why I am going to use it as I teach my children in the way they should go at JeMa's blog:
Art By JeMA: It's A Blackout: "Our Blackout Poetry One of the most satisfying parts of homeschooling my children is allowing them to be creative. To allow my children ..."
Love, Karen