Friday, October 8, 2010

Is value the same as conceit?

Hello, and welcome back to A Good Bible Study!

We're going to begin with prayer, as usual:

Dear Heavenly Father, life is so busy. We are all going so fast, in so many different directions, sometimes it is hard to slow down and hear Your voice. Make us sensitive to Your slightest whisper, Lord. We are so thankful for Your Holy Spirit's constant ministry to our hearts, we don't want to miss a single thought You have for us! In the name of Jesus, amen.

We are going to continue with the importance of valuing who you are. We're not talking conceit, here. The American Heritage Dictionary defines value as "to regard highly, to esteem."

Conceit, on the other hand, refers to an unduly high opinion of one's self.

So, I'm not talking about valuing yourself more than anyone else. And I'm not suggesting you refuse to change your bad habits because, "Well, this is just the way I am, if you don't like it, oh well."

What I'm saying is that you are just as valuable as anyone else - and for some of us, that's a new concept.

The fact is you have intrinsic value because you are created in the image of God and you don't have to earn your intrinsic value - it's yours by birthright!

Read 1 John 4:19

Who loved first, you or God? __________

Read Psalm 139:14

How are you made? ___________ and ______________

So, let's agree to stop worrying about what Fred and Jane think because they might like us today and hate us tomorrow. People judge you based on effort, outcome, and results. God judges you on your heart. Do you love Him, or do you hate Him? It's that simple. He asks you to love Him. Will you?

Read Revelation 3:20

Can you doubt that He wants you, just as you are, right now?

Valuing yourself reduces stress because you will also value your time and your contribution. You'll make the effort and time you spend worth it. You will do the right thing, and do things right.

You will do the right thing, and do things right, when you value yourself.

As a result, you will feel more positive about yourself, it's a self-fulfilling chain of events.

Think of it this way: if you know you did your best, and you know you are proud of your work, you won't worry about anyone else's opinion. I don't mean be disrespectful to those offering constructive criticism, I mean you won't have a need to be defensive or make excuses, because you stand behind your work.

Tomorrow we will talk about the other ways being authentic and valuing yourself leads to more positive choices and outcomes, but for now, let's pray.

Lord, some of this is new and challenging to us. We know You want us to respect and love the work of Your hands. Help us to see ourselves with Your eyes, and to see others with the same value. We want to believe with all our hearts that You treasure us just as You designed each one. Thank you for the daily changes You are making in our hearts, so that we can. In Jesus' name, amen.

Love, Karen

Photo by Nathalie P, courtesy of

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