A good bible study is starting here today. I invite you to read along with me as I study the Word of God, learning more about the great I Am who is God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. Comment your own thoughts, insights and questions as we move through the lessons together.
The subject is The Revolution, a Devotional Workbook and Field Journal, by Joyce Meyer. I'm so excited to get started and I am happy you are coming along in the journey! A good bible study is one in which the we learn more about God, more about ourselves, and more about the relationship between the two. In addition, a good bible study changes our thoughts, refines our desires, and focuses our vision.
For me, it's just not good enough to read the Bible unless I am changed from within. I expect to have a great a-ha, and ideally, both weep profusely and laugh whole-heartedly, sometimes all at the same time! I want my heart broken as God reveals one more aspect of His love for me, or one more way I have been less than I could have, and less than I will be from now on.
Instead of shame for the flaws and selfish desires that so often rule my choices, I am relieved to see them as they are, and let them go, even throw them away with great force as I receive in turn, a joyful rush of His forgiveness, which I cannot describe sufficiently on these pages. If you don't know what I am talking about, but you want to know, stay with me, for if you have come to this page then, Praise God, it is the right time to find out.
If you know exactly what I mean, you'll be even more excited to travel this journey as we seek God together. After all, He promises if we seek him, we will definitely find Him, Deuteronomy 4:29; and Proverbs 8:17.
Now if you are just not sure what the heck a devotional or field guide is, let me tell you. A devotional is a daily reading that gives insight to God and our relationship to Him. It is a practice usually done in private, so you can think about what you've read and let it sink in, and change your perception and attitude. The Revolution is also a field journal: a notebook or sketchbook used by explorers, travelers, scientists, missionaries, and others who seek to learn more in a subject or area. It is used to record observations, thoughts, methods, results and conclusions, sketches and drawings, etc. along the way.
You may certainly invest in your own copy of The Revolution Devotional Workbook and Field Journal, or read the book on which the field journal is based, The Love Revolution
So, let's start a revolution: "a complete, radical and total change in the way we do things!" From The Revolution, a Devotional Workbook and Field Journal, by Joyce Meyer. Pray with me.
Father, let your Holy Spirit fall on each person reading these words, and open their eyes to see the wonder of all that you have planned for them, in the name of Your Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen
Love, Karen
Photo by Arvind Balaraman, courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net.
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